AI versus Marshy #31: slack, poison, and marketing use cases

Hello dear reader, and welcome to another edition of AI versus Marshy - #31 in fact.

This newsletter filters through AI news and hype to share what’s interesting each week from my perspective - a neurodivergent techie growth marketer with insatiable curiosity.

I read last week that most people abandon their new year’s resolutions by now - so if you’re sticking with yours let me know what it is and what has led to that sticking so far?

This week we look at:

  • A Slack app for ChatGPT
  • Poison - but for copying art
  • 3 use cases for marketing tools for AI

Lots to cover so let’s make like a ship and float into this.


Validating Slack apps for ChatGPT

Heard via actually talking to people.

A slightly different take to begin the newsletter this week.

I love spotting opportunities and my consulting career wouldn’t have lasted this long without that ability.

So I was talking to my friend the other day and he said:

“I noticed all the Slack apps for ChatGPT were crap so I spent a few weeks and built my own”

I find it hard to believe that there isn’t a good version of this but it turns out there isn’t.


My advertising-addled brain cried.

Sure enough after some digging, I couldn’t find any in the Slack Marketplace that were great.

My friend proudly told me that his preserved security, allowed full-text search of all your conversations, kept it in a channel, and each new conversation had its own thread.

“I guess that’s a product but I can’t sell it”

I could…

The problem is I’m slammed as it is and working on other things right now.

If you’re interested in something like that let me know?

Enter Nightshade - poison for AI

Heard via VentureBeat.

This is a case of a story sounding cooler in theory than in reality.

Nightshade is a free tool that can be added to your artwork so that it’s not detectable by the human eye, but funks with LLMs that train itself on visuals.

It’s basically poison for AI.

I love the idea of a resistance and fighting big tech and giving it to the man.

But the reality is a bit more mixed.

Some testing on Reddit and shared on Twitter reports that early attempts to use Nightshade have resulted in BETTER images.

The Twitter thread is interesting though because the creator of Night shade (Glaze) have a pop back arguing the difference between fine tuning and Lora with image recognition (this is over my head but great to see some passionate debate!)

AI Tools for different AI marketing jobs

Heard via MKT1.

I get asked about AI tools a lot for marketing and am yet to see it done super-well.

This newsletter from MKT1 goes over some use cases where AI can do the job better, including:

  • Market research
  • Improving marketing opps and processes
  • Creating high-quality multimedia content

What I like about this is the neat graphics they share to accompany each use case:

This world is only going to keep moving faster.

Last week I asked readers what they’ve been using AI for in the last week.

My friend Steve had a great answer:

I use an AI search that is built into LoopCloud, an online source for Wav files and loops that I use in my music. Through it you can find harmonic matches, rhythmic matches or similar sounds from a source sound (which can be something I’ve made).

Great share Steve! It’s going to be everywhere. You can find out more about Steve's music here.

Which reminds me - my friend Nate and I are almost ready to start launching episodes of our podcast - electronicmusicnerd - we’ve recorded 12 eps so far and wanted to make sure we’d stick with it before hitting publish.

Watch this space!

Have a great weekend and keep the feedback coming! 👋


AI vs. Marshy

Growth marketer meets biggest technological advancement in our lives. Learn about AI in a way that doesn't overwhelm. Add a splash of strap yourself in and be prepared.

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Newsletter Hello and welcome to another edition of AI versus Marshy! Another “hullo” to our new subscribers, this is a newsletter about AI, written by a perennial optimist, whose tech and marketing background tells him not to be swept away by hype just yet. But there ARE a hell of a lot of interesting things to look at and this week is no different. This week covers: upgrades its platform with Anthropic - with some side-by-side testing and a dash of nope A new, newsletter shoutout to...

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