whats and hows

The power of whats and hows.

If you’re a techie - there’s a good chance you hate sales.

I think the funny part is you hate the associations MORE than actually hating sales.

But let’s disregard the S-word for a second.

Do you like working through complex problems?

Do you like getting into the weeds and solving them?

Are you naturally curious?

^^^ there isn’t a technical founder that isn’t saying YES to all three.

They are must haves.

Sales is doing the above with words.

You: “NO IT’S NOT ARGH$%@!

Stay with me.

Try this -

Sales is just doing the above with “what” and “how” questions.

Here’s a role play I coached a founder through.

His solution is an online presence packages for tradies.

The problem is they’re not getting enough leads.

Founder: So what do you do?

Potential client: I do plumbing. Oh, you know,

Founder: What areas do you cover?

Potential client: Southeast Melbourne. These areas usually focus on first homes. They need a bit of a tidy up.

Founder: Oh, that’s cool. How are you getting business at the moment?

Potential client: You know, it’s patchy at this time of year. Da da da da da.

Founder: Oh, that sounds annoying. That’s patchy. What have you done to fix that?

Potential client: Oh, well, I went through this. I put flyers out there, I talked to friends and family for referrals.

Founder: Nice! And how is that working for you?

Potential client: Well, actually, I think I could be doing a bit more.

Founder: I’m doing this thing where I build online website packages for tradies that gets them more leads, do you want me to SMS you a proposal?

If you’re talking to the right person, have their trust and built rapport, the whats and hows can get you the rest of the way.

Just follow your natural curiosity.

So what are you doing to get more leads?



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